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Super Gaussian Wake Deficit Model

This notebook reproduces the results of the paper describing the super gaussian wake model:

Blondel and Cathelain: An alternative form of the super-Gaussian wind turbine wake model, Wind Energ. Sci., 5, 1225–1236, (2020),

 # Install PyWake if needed
    import py_wake
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    !pip install git+

Loading objects

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import Hornsrev1Site, V80
windTurbines = V80()
site = Hornsrev1Site()

# general variables used for calculations
wt_x, wt_y = [0], [0]
U_inf = 10
D = windTurbines.diameter()
h = windTurbines.hub_height()
y = np.linspace(-1*D, 1*D, 120)

Defining wind farm model

In this example we use the class Blondel_Cathelain_2020 for the wind farm model as it corresponds to the calibrated parameters shown in the reference paper. As default, the wakes are added linearly following Shapiro (2019) and there is no turbulence model. However the Crespo Hernandez is recommended and used to account for the turbulence intensity within the velocity deficit calculation.

from py_wake.literature.gaussian_models import Blondel_Cathelain_2020
from py_wake.turbulence_models import CrespoHernandez

wfm = Blondel_Cathelain_2020(site, windTurbines, turbulenceModel=CrespoHernandez())

The cases to be replicated correspond to Figures 3 and 4 for the normalized velocity deficit at three downstream distances from the turbine’s rotor, for cases of low and high turbulence. The cases chosen are:

  • CT = 0.43, TI = 5%

  • CT = 0.73, TI = 12%

# getting points extracted from paper

def get_data(path_data):
    data = np.genfromtxt(path_data)

    points_x = data[:,0]
    points_y = data[:,1]

    return points_x, points_y

Low turbulence case

Specifying path for data files and getting points.

# x/D = 2
path_2xD_l = r"data/Super_Gaussian/2_x_D_lowti.dat"

xd_2_points_l, yd_2_points_l = get_data(path_2xD_l)

# x/D = 4
path_4xD_l = r"data/Super_Gaussian/4_x_D_lowti.dat"

xd_4_points_l, yd_4_points_l = get_data(path_4xD_l)

# x/D = 8
path_8xD_l = r"data/Super_Gaussian/8_x_D_lowti.dat"

xd_8_points_l, yd_8_points_l = get_data(path_8xD_l)

x_points_l = [xd_2_points_l, xd_4_points_l, xd_8_points_l]
y_points_l = [yd_2_points_l, yd_4_points_l, yd_4_points_l]
# selecting corresponding ti and CT

ti = 0.05

windTurbines.ct = lambda ws, **kwargs: 0.43

simres_l = wfm(wt_x, wt_y, wd=270, ws=U_inf, TI=ti)
xD = [2*D, 4*D, 8*D]

lines = []
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, sharey=True, figsize=(10,3))
for i, x_D in enumerate(xD):
    U = simres_l.flow_box(x=x_D, y=y, h=h).WS_eff.values.flatten()
    l, = ax[i].plot(1 - U/U_inf, y/D, 'b-')
    l1, = ax[0].plot(xd_2_points_l, yd_2_points_l, 'y--')
    l2, = ax[1].plot(xd_4_points_l, yd_4_points_l, 'y--')
    l3, = ax[2].plot(xd_8_points_l, yd_8_points_l, 'y--')

    ax[i].set_ylim(-1, 1)
    ax[i].set_xlim(0, 0.5)
    ax[i].set_title(f'x/D = {x_D/D}')
    ax[0].set_ylabel('y/D [-]')
    ax[i].set_xlabel('1 - U / U_$\infty$ [-]')

fig.legend((lines[0], l1), ('PyWake', 'Blondel & Cathelain (2020)'), ncol=2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0, 1.05, 1.1), numpoints=1, scatterpoints=1)
fig.suptitle('Figure 3', y=1.2)
Text(0.5, 1.2, 'Figure 3')

High turbulence case

Specifying path for data files and getting points.

# x/D = 2
path_2xD_h = r"data/Super_Gaussian/2_x_D_highti.dat"

xd_2_points_h, yd_2_points_h = get_data(path_2xD_h)

# x/D = 4
path_4xD_h = r"data/Super_Gaussian/4_x_D_highti.dat"

xd_4_points_h, yd_4_points_h = get_data(path_4xD_h)

# x/D = 8
path_8xD_h = r"data/Super_Gaussian/8_x_D_highti.dat"

xd_8_points_h, yd_8_points_h = get_data(path_8xD_h)

x_points_h = [xd_2_points_h, xd_4_points_h, xd_8_points_h]
y_points_h = [yd_2_points_h, yd_4_points_h, yd_4_points_h]
# selecting corresponding ti and CT

ti = 0.12

windTurbines.ct = lambda ws, **kwargs: 0.73

simres_h = wfm(wt_x, wt_y, wd=270, ws=U_inf, TI=ti)
xD = [2*D, 4*D, 8*D]

lines = []
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, sharey=True,figsize=(10,3))
for i, x_D in enumerate(xD):
    U = simres_h.flow_box(x=x_D, y=y, h=h).WS_eff.values.flatten()
    l, = ax[i].plot(1 - U/U_inf, y/D, 'b-')
    l1, = ax[0].plot(xd_2_points_h, yd_2_points_h, 'y--')
    l2, = ax[1].plot(xd_4_points_h, yd_4_points_h, 'y--')
    l3, = ax[2].plot(xd_8_points_h, yd_8_points_h, 'y--')

    ax[i].set_ylim(-1, 1)
    ax[i].set_xlim(0, 0.5)
    ax[i].set_title(f'x/D = {x_D/D}')
    ax[0].set_ylabel('y/D [-]')
    ax[i].set_xlabel('1 - U / U_$\infty$ [-]')

fig.legend((lines[0], l1), ('PyWake', 'Blondel & Cathelain (2020)'), ncol=2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0, 1.05, 1.1), numpoints=1, scatterpoints=1)
fig.suptitle('Figure 4', y=1.2)
Text(0.5, 1.2, 'Figure 4')

Comparison with measurements

The implementation of the model is now compared to data from experimental campaigns as well as the analytical model derived by the authors. A set of data containing lidar measurements is used for the comparison, at the wake behind a full scale wind turbine. Two cases were recorded: stable and nearly neutral atmosphere; however for the purpose of this example only a high turbulence case in the nearly neutral atmosphere will be considered, as it also contains LES data from a SOFWA (Simulator fOrWind Farm Applications; Churchfield et al., 2012) simulation.

The case to be studied corresponds to:

High turbulence example

  • CT: 0.75, TI: 10.7%

Specifying path for data files and getting points.

# high turbulence case - measurements

# x/D = 2
path_2xD_mh = r"data/Super_Gaussian/2_x_D_meas_highti.dat"

xd_2_points_mh, yd_2_points_mh = get_data(path_2xD_mh)

# x/D = 5
path_5xD_mh = r"data/Super_Gaussian/5_x_D_meas_highti.dat"

xd_5_points_mh, yd_5_points_mh = get_data(path_5xD_mh)

# high turbulence case - LES

# x/D = 2
path_2xD_les = r"data/Super_Gaussian/2_x_D_LES_highti.dat"

xd_2_points_les, yd_2_points_les = get_data(path_2xD_les)

# x/D = 5
path_5xD_les = r"data/Super_Gaussian/5_x_D_LES_highti.dat"

xd_5_points_les, yd_5_points_les = get_data(path_5xD_les)

# high turbulence case - super gaussian analytical

path_2xD_sp = r"data/Super_Gaussian/2_x_D_sp_highti.dat"

xd_2_points_sp, yd_2_points_sp = get_data(path_2xD_sp)

path_5xD_sp = r"data/Super_Gaussian/5_x_D_sp_highti.dat"

xd_5_points_sp, yd_5_points_sp = get_data(path_5xD_sp)
# selecting corresponding ti and CT

ti = 0.107

windTurbines.ct = lambda ws, **kwargs: 0.75

simres_mh = wfm(wt_x, wt_y, wd=270, ws=U_inf, TI=ti)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(15,5))

offset = -0.06478737727060202

U_2xd = simres_mh.flow_box(x=2*D, y=y, h=h).WS_eff.values.flatten()

ax1.plot(1 - U_2xd/U_inf, y/D + offset, label='PyWake')
ax1.plot(xd_2_points_sp, yd_2_points_sp, label='Blondel & Cathelain')
ax1.scatter(xd_2_points_les, yd_2_points_les, marker='v', facecolor='purple', label='LES')
ax1.scatter(xd_2_points_mh, yd_2_points_mh, marker='o', facecolor='None', edgecolor= 'blue',label='Measurements')
ax1.set_title('x/D = 2')
ax1.set_ylabel('y/D [-]')
ax1.set_xlabel('1 - U / U_$\infty$ [-]')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')

offset = -0.1738105526986733

U_5xd = simres_mh.flow_box(x=5*D, y=y, h=h).WS_eff.values.flatten()

ax2.plot(1 - U_5xd/U_inf, y/D + offset, label='PyWake')
ax2.plot(xd_5_points_sp, yd_5_points_sp, label='Blondel & Cathelain')
ax2.scatter(xd_5_points_les, yd_5_points_les, marker='v', facecolor='purple', label='LES')
ax2.scatter(xd_5_points_mh, yd_5_points_mh, marker='o', facecolor='None', edgecolor= 'blue',label='Measurements')
ax2.set_title('x/D = 5')
ax2.set_xlabel('1 - U / U_$\infty$ [-]')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')

fig.suptitle('Figure 5', y=1)
Text(0.5, 1, 'Figure 5')

The model seems to capture the wake profile pretty well in the near wake, however it tends to overestimate the maximum velocity deficit at the far wake.