Welcome to PyWake
PyWake is an open-sourced and Python-based wind farm simulation tool developed at DTU capable of computing flow fields, power production of individual turbines as well as the Annual Energy Production (AEP) of a wind farm. The software solution provides an interface to both a selection different engineering models as well as CDF RANS (PyWakeEllipSys). It is highly efficient in calculating how the wake propagates within a wind farm and can quantify the interaction between turbines.
What Can PyWake Do?
The main objective of PyWake is to calculate the wake interaction in a wind farm in a computationally inexpensive way for a range of steady state conditions. It is very useful for computing the power production of a wind farm while considering the wake losses for a specific wind farm layout configuration. Some of the main capabilities of PyWake that have been in constant development in the last few years include:
The possibility to use different engineering wake models for the simulation, such as the NOJ and Bastankhah wake deficit models.
The option of choosing between different sites and their wind resource, with the additional option of user-defined sites.
The ability to have user-defined wind turbines or import turbine files from WAsP.
The capability of working with chunkification and parallelization.
The advantage of visualizing flow maps for the wind farm layout in study.
For installation instructions, please see the Installation Guide.
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Getting Started
PyWake is equipped with many capabilities that can range from basic to complex. For new users, the Overview section contains a basic description of PyWake’s architecture and the elements behind it. Plus, the Quickstart section shows how to set up and perform some basic operations in PyWake.
Explanations of PyWake’s core objects can be found in the following tutorials:
Site: this tutorial walks through the set up of pre-defined sites in PyWake as well as the possibility for user-defined sites.
Wind Turbine: this example demonstrates how to set up a wind turbine object and also to create user-defined turbines with specific power and CT curves.
Engineering Wind Farm Models: here there is a detailed explanation of all the engineering wind farm models used in PyWake, which have been adapted from literature with their corresponding verification cases. A more in depth description of wake deficit, wake superposition, turbulence models, etc., can be found under the main components section.
The Wind farm simulation example shows how to execute PyWake and extract relevant information about the wind farm studied. In addition, PyWake’s capablities to calculate gradients are demonstrated in the Gradients, parallelization and precision example, and an optimization with TOPFARM is available in the Optimization tutorial.
Lastly, the remaining notebooks illustrate some relevant examples and exercises to see the different properties that PyWake has to offer.
How to Cite
Version 2.5.0
Mads M. Pedersen, Alexander Meyer Forsting, Paul van der Laan, Riccardo Riva, Leonardo A. Alcayaga Romàn, Javier Criado Risco, Mikkel Friis-Møller, Julian Quick, Jens Peter Schøler Christiansen, Rafael Valotta Rodrigues, Bjarke Tobias Olsen and Pierre-Elouan Réthoré. (2023, February). PyWake 2.5.0: An open-source wind farm simulation tool. DTU Wind, Technical University of Denmark.
title={PyWake 2.5.0: An open-source wind farm simulation tool},
author={Mads M. Pedersen, Alexander Meyer Forsting, Paul van der Laan, Riccardo Riva, Leonardo A. Alcayaga Romàn, Javier Criado Risco, Mikkel Friis-Møller, Julian Quick, Jens Peter Schøler Christiansen, Rafael Valotta Rodrigues, Bjarke Tobias Olsen and Pierre-Elouan Réthoré},
publisher={DTU Wind, Technical University of Denmark},
Main Components
Model Verification