
class py_wake.flow_map.FlowMap(simulationResult, X, Y, localWind_j, WS_eff_jlk, TI_eff_jlk, plane)[source]


aep_xylk([normalize_probabilities, ...])

Anual Energy Production of a potential wind turbine at all grid positions (x,y) for all wind directions (l) and wind speeds (k) in GWh.

aep_xy([normalize_probabilities, with_wake_loss])

Anual Energy Production of a potential wind turbine at all grid positions (x,y) (sum of all wind directions and wind speeds) in GWh.

plot_windturbines([normalize_with, ax])

plot_wake_map([levels, cmap, plot_colorbar, ...])

Plot effective wind speed contourf map

plot_ti_map([levels, cmap, plot_colorbar, ...])

Plot effective turbulence intensity contourf map

aep_xy(normalize_probabilities=False, with_wake_loss=True, **wt_kwargs)[source]

Anual Energy Production of a potential wind turbine at all grid positions (x,y) (sum of all wind directions and wind speeds) in GWh.

see aep_xylk

aep_xylk(normalize_probabilities=False, with_wake_loss=True, **wt_kwargs)[source]

Anual Energy Production of a potential wind turbine at all grid positions (x,y) for all wind directions (l) and wind speeds (k) in GWh.

  • normalize_propabilities (Optional bool, defaults to False) –

    In case only a subset of all wind speeds and/or wind directions is simulated, this parameter determines whether the returned AEP represents the energy produced in the fraction of a year where these flow cases occurs or a whole year of northern wind. If for example, wd=[0], then - False means that the AEP only includes energy from the faction of year

    with northern wind (359.5-0.5deg), i.e. no power is produced the rest of the year. - True means that the AEP represents a whole year of northen wind. default is False

  • with_wake_loss (Optional bool, defaults to True) –

    If True, wake loss is included, i.e. power is calculated using local effective wind speed

    If False, wake loss is neglected, i.e. power is calculated using local free flow wind speed

  • wt_type (Optional arguments) – Additional required/optional arguments needed by the WindTurbines to computer power, e.g. type, Air_density

plot(data, clabel, levels=100, cmap=None, plot_colorbar=True, plot_windturbines=True, normalize_with=1, ax=None)[source]

Plot data as contouf map

  • data (array_like) – 2D data array to plot

  • clabel (str) – colorbar label

  • levels (int or array-like, default 100) – Determines the number and positions of the contour lines / regions. If an int n, use n data intervals; i.e. draw n+1 contour lines. The level heights are automatically chosen. If array-like, draw contour lines at the specified levels. The values must be in increasing order.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, defaults 'Blues_r'.) – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. The colormap maps the level values to colors.

  • plot_colorbar (bool, default True) – if True (default), colorbar is drawn

  • plot_windturbines (bool, default True) – if True (default), lines/circles showing the wind turbine rotors are plotted

  • ax (pyplot or matplotlib axes object, default None)

plot_ti_map(levels=100, cmap=None, plot_colorbar=True, plot_windturbines=True, ax=None)[source]

Plot effective turbulence intensity contourf map

  • levels (int or array-like, default 100) – Determines the number and positions of the contour lines / regions. If an int n, use n data intervals; i.e. draw n+1 contour lines. The level heights are automatically chosen. If array-like, draw contour lines at the specified levels. The values must be in increasing order.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, defaults 'Blues'.) – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. The colormap maps the level values to colors.

  • plot_colorbar (bool, default True) – if True (default), colorbar is drawn

  • plot_windturbines (bool, default True) – if True (default), lines/circles showing the wind turbine rotors are plotted

  • ax (pyplot or matplotlib axes object, default None)

plot_wake_map(levels=100, cmap=None, plot_colorbar=True, plot_windturbines=True, normalize_with=1, ax=None)[source]

Plot effective wind speed contourf map

  • levels (int or array-like, default 100) – Determines the number and positions of the contour lines / regions. If an int n, use n data intervals; i.e. draw n+1 contour lines. The level heights are automatically chosen. If array-like, draw contour lines at the specified levels. The values must be in increasing order.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, defaults 'Blues_r'.) – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. The colormap maps the level values to colors.

  • plot_colorbar (bool, default True) – if True (default), colorbar is drawn

  • plot_windturbines (bool, default True) – if True (default), lines/circles showing the wind turbine rotors are plotted

  • ax (pyplot or matplotlib axes object, default None)