import numpy as np
from numpy import newaxis as na
from topfarm.constraint_components import Constraint, ConstraintComponent
import topfarm
class SpacingConstraint(Constraint):
def __init__(self, min_spacing, units=None, aggregation_function=None, full_aggregation=False, name='spacing_comp'):
"""Initialize SpacingConstraint
min_spacing : int or float
Minimum spacing between turbines [m]
aggregation_function : topfarm.utils.AggregationFunction or None
if None: compute returns all wt-wt spacings (n_wt *(n_wt-1))/2
if AggregationFunction: compute returns an aggregated (minimum) spacing
self.min_spacing = min_spacing
self.aggregation_function = aggregation_function
self.full_aggregation = full_aggregation
self.const_id = name
self.units = units
def constraintComponent(self):
return self.spacing_comp
def _setup(self, problem):
self.n_wt = problem.n_wt
self.spacing_comp = SpacingComp(self.n_wt, self.min_spacing, self.const_id, self.units,
problem.model.constraint_group.add_subsystem(self.const_id, self.spacing_comp,
promotes=[topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key, 'wtSeparationSquared'])
def setup_as_constraint(self, problem):
problem.model.add_constraint('wtSeparationSquared', lower=self.min_spacing**2)
def setup_as_penalty(self, problem):
class SpacingComp(ConstraintComponent):
Calculates inter-turbine spacing for all turbine pairs.
def __init__(self, n_wt, min_spacing, const_id=None, units=None, aggregation_function=None, full_aggregation=False):
self.n_wt = n_wt
self.min_spacing = min_spacing
self.const_id = const_id
if aggregation_function:
if full_aggregation:
self.veclen = 1
self.veclen = n_wt
self.veclen = int((n_wt - 1.) * n_wt / 2.)
self.units = units
self.aggregation_function = aggregation_function
self.full_aggregation = full_aggregation
self.constraint_key = 'wtSeparationSquared'
def setup(self):
# Explicitly size input arrays
self.add_input(topfarm.x_key, val=np.zeros(self.n_wt),
desc='x coordinates of turbines in wind dir. ref. frame', units=self.units)
self.add_input(topfarm.y_key, val=np.zeros(self.n_wt),
desc='y coordinates of turbines in wind dir. ref. frame', units=self.units)
# self.add_output('constraint_violation_' + self.const_id, val=0.0)
# Explicitly size output array
self.add_output(self.constraint_key, val=np.zeros(self.veclen),
desc='spacing of all turbines in the wind farm')
col_pairs = np.array([(i, j) for i in range(self.n_wt - 1) for j in range(i + 1, self.n_wt)])
if self.aggregation_function:
self.declare_partials(self.constraint_key, [topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key])
self.partial_indices = np.array([np.r_[np.where(col_pairs[:, 1] == i)[0], np.where(col_pairs[:, 0] == i)[0]]
for i in range(self.n_wt)]).T
self.partial_sign = (np.ones((self.n_wt, self.n_wt)) - 2 * np.triu(np.ones((self.n_wt, self.n_wt)), 1))[:-1]
self.col_pairs = col_pairs
# Sparse partial declaration
cols = col_pairs.flatten()
rows = np.repeat(np.arange(self.veclen), 2)
[topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key],
rows=rows, cols=cols)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
self.x = inputs[topfarm.x_key]
self.y = inputs[topfarm.y_key]
separation_squared = self._compute(self.x, self.y)
if self.aggregation_function:
if self.full_aggregation:
outputs[self.constraint_key] = self.aggregation_function(separation_squared)
outputs[self.constraint_key] = self.aggregation_function(
separation_squared[self.partial_indices], 0)
# print(outputs[self.constraint_key])
outputs[self.constraint_key] = separation_squared
# outputs['constraint_violation_' + self.const_id] = -np.minimum(separation_squared - self.min_spacing**2, 0).sum()
def _compute(self, x, y):
n_wt = self.n_wt
# compute distance matrixes
dX, dY = [np.subtract(*np.meshgrid(xy, xy, indexing='ij')).T
for xy in [x, y]]
dXY2 = dX**2 + dY**2
# return upper triangle (above diagonal)
return dXY2[np.triu_indices(n_wt, 1)]
def compute_partials(self, inputs, J):
# obtain necessary inputs
x = inputs[topfarm.x_key]
y = inputs[topfarm.y_key]
# gradient of spacing [(i,j) for i=0..n_wt-1 and j=i+1..n_wt] wrt (wt_x[i], wt_x[j]) and (wt_y[i], wt_y[j])
dS_dxij, dS_dyij = self._compute_partials(x, y)
if self.aggregation_function:
if self.full_aggregation:
# gradient of aggregated (minimum) spacing wrt. spacing(i,j)
dSagg_dS = self.aggregation_function.gradient(self._compute(x, y)).flatten()
# partial_indices extracts the spacing elements that each wt contributes to
# partial sign gives it the right sign
# and finally we sum the contributions of each wt
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.x_key] = (
(dS_dxij[:, 0] * dSagg_dS)[self.partial_indices] * self.partial_sign).sum(0).T
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.y_key] = (
(dS_dyij[:, 0] * dSagg_dS)[self.partial_indices] * self.partial_sign).sum(0).T
# gradient of aggregated (minimum) spacing wrt. spacing(i,j)
dSdwtx = (dS_dxij[:, 0])[self.partial_indices] * self.partial_sign
dSdwty = (dS_dyij[:, 0])[self.partial_indices] * self.partial_sign
S = self._compute(x, y)[self.partial_indices]
dSagg_dS = self.aggregation_function.gradient(S, 0)
# partial_indices extracts the spacing elements that each wt contributes to
# partial sign gives it the right sign
# and finally we sum the contributions of each wt
dSagg_dwtx = dSdwtx * dSagg_dS * self.partial_sign
dSagg_dwty = dSdwty * dSagg_dS * self.partial_sign
dSagg_dx = np.zeros((self.n_wt, self.n_wt)) # np.diag((dSagg_dwtx).sum(0))
dSagg_dy = np.zeros((self.n_wt, self.n_wt)) # np.diag((dSagg_dwty).sum(0))
i = range(self.n_wt)
for j in range(dSagg_dwtx.shape[0]):
ai, bi = self.col_pairs[self.partial_indices][j, i, :].T
dSagg_dx[ai, i] += dSagg_dwtx[j, i]
dSagg_dx[bi, i] -= dSagg_dwtx[j, i]
dSagg_dy[ai, i] += dSagg_dwty[j, i]
dSagg_dy[bi, i] -= dSagg_dwty[j, i]
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.x_key] = dSagg_dx.T
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.y_key] = dSagg_dy.T
# populate Jacobian dict
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.x_key] = dS_dxij.flatten()
J[self.constraint_key, topfarm.y_key] = dS_dyij.flatten()
def _compute_partials(self, x, y):
# get number of turbines
n_wt = self.n_wt
# S = (xi-xj)^2 + (yi-yj)^2 = dx^2 + dy^2
# dS/dx = [dS/dx_i, dS/dx_j] = -2dx, 2dx
# compute distance matrixes
dX, dY = [np.subtract(*np.meshgrid(xy, xy, indexing='ij')).T
for xy in [x, y]]
# upper triangle -> 1 row per WT pair [(0,1), (0,2),..(n-1,n)]
dx, dy = dX[np.triu_indices(n_wt, 1)], dY[np.triu_indices(n_wt, 1)]
dSdx = np.array([-2 * dx, 2 * dx]).T
dSdy = np.array([-2 * dy, 2 * dy]).T
return dSdx, dSdy
def plot(self, ax=None):
from matplotlib.pyplot import Circle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = ax or plt.gca()
def get_xy(xy):
if not hasattr(self, xy):
setattr(self, xy, dict(self.list_inputs(out_stream=None))[f'constraint_group.{}.{xy}']['value'])
xy = getattr(self, xy)
return xy if not isinstance(xy, tuple) else xy[0]
for x, y in zip(get_xy('x'), get_xy('y')):
circle = Circle((x, y), self.min_spacing / 2, color='k', ls='--', fill=False)
def satisfy(self, state, n_iter=100, step_size=0.1):
x, y = [state[xy].astype(float) for xy in [topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key]]
pair_i, pair_j = np.triu_indices(len(x), 1)
for _ in range(n_iter):
dist = self._compute(x, y)
dx, dy = self._compute_partials(x, y)
index = np.argmin(dist)
if dist[index] < self.min_spacing**2:
i, j = pair_i[index], pair_j[index]
x[i] += dx[index, 0] * step_size
x[j] += dx[index, 1] * step_size
y[i] += dy[index, 0] * step_size
y[j] += dy[index, 1] * step_size
state.update({topfarm.x_key: x, topfarm.y_key: y})
return state
class SpacingTypeConstraint(SpacingConstraint):
def __init__(self, min_spacing, units=None, aggregation_function=None, full_aggregation=False, name='spacing_type_comp'):
"""Initialize SpacingConstraint
min_spacing : array_like
Minimum spacing around turbines [m] (diameter of circle around a turbine that no other turbines can occupy)
aggregation_function : topfarm.utils.AggregationFunction or None
if None: compute returns all wt-wt spacings (n_wt *(n_wt-1))/2
if AggregationFunction: compute returns an aggregated (minimum) spacing
super().__init__(min_spacing=min_spacing, units=units, aggregation_function=aggregation_function,
full_aggregation=full_aggregation, name=name)
self.min_spacing = np.asarray(min_spacing)
def _setup(self, problem):
self.n_wt = problem.n_wt
self.spacing_comp = SpacingTypeComp(self.n_wt, self.min_spacing, self.const_id, self.units,
problem.model.constraint_group.add_subsystem(self.const_id, self.spacing_comp,
promotes=[topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key, topfarm.type_key, 'wtRelativeSeparationSquared'])
def setup_as_constraint(self, problem):
problem.model.add_constraint('wtRelativeSeparationSquared', lower=0)
class SpacingTypeComp(SpacingComp):
Calculates inter-turbine spacing for all turbine pairs.
def __init__(self, n_wt, min_spacing, const_id=None, units=None, aggregation_function=None, full_aggregation=False, types=None):
super().__init__(n_wt=n_wt, min_spacing=min_spacing, const_id=const_id, units=units,
aggregation_function=aggregation_function, full_aggregation=full_aggregation)
self.constraint_key = 'wtRelativeSeparationSquared'
self.types = types
def setup(self):
self.add_input(topfarm.type_key, val=self.types or np.zeros(self.n_wt),
desc='turbine type number')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
self.x = inputs[topfarm.x_key]
self.y = inputs[topfarm.y_key]
self.type = inputs[topfarm.type_key]
relative_separation_squared = self._compute(self.x, self.y, self.type)
if self.aggregation_function:
if self.full_aggregation:
outputs[self.constraint_key] = self.aggregation_function(relative_separation_squared)
outputs[self.constraint_key] = self.aggregation_function(
relative_separation_squared[self.partial_indices], 0)
# print(outputs[self.constraint_key])
outputs[self.constraint_key] = relative_separation_squared
# outputs['constraint_violation_' + self.const_id] = -np.minimum(relative_separation_squared, 0).sum()
def get_min_eff_spacing(self, t):
return (self.min_spacing[np.atleast_1d(t).astype(int)][:, na] + self.min_spacing[np.atleast_1d(t).astype(int)][na, :]) / 2
def _compute(self, x, y, t):
n_wt = self.n_wt
# compute distance matrixes
dX, dY = [np.subtract(*np.meshgrid(xy, xy, indexing='ij')).T
for xy in [x, y]]
dXY2 = dX**2 + dY**2 - self.get_min_eff_spacing(t)**2
# return upper triangle (above diagonal)
return dXY2[np.triu_indices(n_wt, 1)]
def plot(self, ax=None):
from matplotlib.pyplot import Circle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = ax or plt.gca()
def get_xy(xy):
if not hasattr(self, xy):
setattr(self, xy, dict(self.list_inputs(out_stream=None))[f'constraint_group.{}.{xy}']['value'])
xy = getattr(self, xy)
return xy if not isinstance(xy, tuple) else xy[0]
for x, y, t in zip(get_xy('x'), get_xy('y'), get_xy('type')):
circle = Circle((x, y), self.get_min_eff_spacing(t).ravel() / 2, color='k', ls='--', fill=False)
def satisfy(self, state, n_iter=100, step_size=0.1):
x, y, t = [state[xy].astype(float) for xy in [topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key, topfarm.type_key]]
pair_i, pair_j = np.triu_indices(len(x), 1)
for _ in range(n_iter):
dist = self._compute(x, y, t)
dx, dy = self._compute_partials(x, y)
index = np.argmin(dist)
if dist[index] < self.get_min_eff_spacing(t)[np.triu_indices(self.n_wt, 1)][index]**2:
i, j = pair_i[index], pair_j[index]
x[i] += dx[index, 0] * step_size
x[j] += dx[index, 1] * step_size
y[i] += dy[index, 0] * step_size
y[j] += dy[index, 1] * step_size
state.update({topfarm.x_key: x, topfarm.y_key: y})
return state