Evaluation of Grid-Connected and Off-Grid Operations of Hybrid Power Plant with P2H Integration.


In the transition towards a low-carbon energy system, hybrid power plants (HPPs) are found to be a key potential player, given the benefits they can bring in combining renewable energy (RE) resources and battery storage. The anticipated significant surge in demand for hydrogen due to the electrification needs of various energy sectors paves the way to explore green hydrogen pro- duction, termed as Power-to-Hydrogen (P2H) integrated with HPP. This work aims to investigate the value of off-grid production of hydrogen or asking for grid connection permits and energy arbitrage in electricity markets. Utilizing the energy management system model (EMS) that evaluates the operations of HPP intending to maximize revenue and considering the investment costs associated with the P2H unit and grid connection, the analysis has been done to identify the financial improvements in HPP operations producing hydrogen with or without grid connection for a few locations in Europe.

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Gupta, M, Murcia Leon, JP, Friis-Møller, M, and Das, Kaushik. Evaluation of Grid-Connected and Off-Grid Operations of Hybrid Power Plant with P2H Integration. In: 2024 International Hybrid Power Plants & Systems Workshop.


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Tags: Sizing, Hybrid Power Plants, Optimization, Surrogate based modeling, P2X, Hydrogen