Balancing Challenges for Future North Sea Offshore Network.


In future, large volume of offshore wind power developments can be envisaged in North Sea. Large share of renewables infers large fluctuations. Also, large share of renewables infers large forecast error. These forecast errors and fluctuations create balancing challenges in the power system. A model tool chain encompassing market modelling, forecast simulations, intra-hour balancing, area control modelling is discussed in this paper. Case study for scenario of 2035 and 2050 are performed using this tool chain. These case studies are used to demonstrate the balancing challenges in future Danish power system. Finally, the research questions required to be answered regarding balancing of future power system with large offshore development in North Sea are pointed out.

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Das, Kaushik, Koivisto, MJ, Sørensen, PE, and Bermudez, JG. Balancing Challenges for Future North Sea Offshore Network. In: 17th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants.


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Tags: Energy System Modelling, Market modelling, HPP Environment, Balancing Tool Chain