Modeling the Intra-Hour power system balancing of the Danish Power System for 2020, 2030 & 2050.
The share of variable renewable energy (VRE)sources, like wind and solar is expected to increase and becomemajor energy resources towards the fossil fuel free energy system.The increase of the variable renewable energy sources in thegrid brings new conditions to the energy system due to inherentvariability and forecast uncertainty. Power imbalances due to un-certainty of the VRE, such as wind power, poses major challengesfor the reliability and security of power system. The authors ofthis paper analyses the balancing requirements for the Danishpower system with large share of renewables for the prognosedenergy scenarios of 2020, 2030 and 2050. This is accomplishedby modelling Intra-Hour balancing model for Danish networkwhich simulates the creation of power imbalance in the systemcaused due to Day-Ahead VRE forecast error and imbalance dueto hour shift in the generation. The model returns an optimized(in terms of minimizing the social economic cost) plan of theactions required from generators in order to counteract theaforementioned imbalances. The optimization procedure of Intra-Hour market is done in the form of deterministic economicdispatch with one hour optimization horizon. Technical limitssuch as ramp rates limitations and the maximum generationlimit are taken into account by the optimization algorithm.
(PDF) Modelling the Intra-Hour Power System Balancing of the Danish Power System for 2020, 2030 and 2050. Available from: [accessed Aug 13 2024].
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Kanellas, P, Das, Kaushik, Sørensen, PE, and Bermudez, JG. Modeling the Intra-Hour power system balancing of the Danish Power System for 2020, 2030 & 2050. In: 18th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants.
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