Enhanced Features of Wind based Hybrid Power Plants.


The objective of this paper is to review and elaborate qualitatively and quantitatively the benefits of wind-based hybrid power plant (HPP) as compared to individual wind/PV power plant. A set of analyses are performed to assess annual energy production/capacity factor, power fluctuations and ramp rates of HPP production and to identify different operating conditions to understand the benefit of combining wind with solar and energy storage in an HPP. The analyses are performed based on spatio-temporally correlated wind power and solar power time series as well as on historical market price time series. Correlation of market price with wind-solar combined times series is exploited to assess the flexibility of having storage by moving the power production to hours where market prices are high from the hours when market prices are low.

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Das, Kaushik, Vangari, D, Koivisto, M, Altin, M, Hansen, AD, and Sørensen, PE. Enhanced Features of Wind based Hybrid Power Plants. In: Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, 2019. Energynautics GmbH.


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