Interfacing Energy Management with Supervisory Control for Hybrid Power Plants.


Variability and uncertainties of wind and solar bring significant challenges into power system operation and control. Hybrid power plants (HPPs), which incorporates the complementary nature of wind and solar together with other technologies, such as energy storage, is a solution to cope with these challenges. To maximize the revenue and enable the operation of HPPs, the energy management system and the supervisory controller are both needed, namely the HPP EMS and the HPPC. The HPP EMS provides optimal dispatch strategies in order to maximize the revenue through market bids. Meanwhile, the HPPC executes dispatch plans from the HPP EMS in a real-time fashion. The paper highlights a new design of HPP EMS and HPPC with a focus on interface design between the two. The variables exchanged between the HPP EMS and the HPPC are presented, and practical issues such as time coordination and robustness over communication failure are discussed in detail.

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Long, Q, Zhu, R, Das, Kaushik, and Sørensen, P. Interfacing Energy Management with Supervisory Control for Hybrid Power Plants. In: 20th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants. DOI: 10.1049/icp.2021.2634


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Tags: Energy Management System, Market participation, Hybrid Power Plants, Optimization, HPP Operation