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Offshore HPP

In this notebook we evaluate an islanded offshore HPP. This case is obtained by adjusting the technology costs in the input yml file.

# Install hydesign if needed
import importlib
if not importlib.util.find_spec("hydesign"):
    !pip install git+
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from hydesign.assembly.hpp_assembly_P2X import hpp_model_P2X as hpp_model
from hydesign.examples import examples_filepath
name = 'Denmark_offshore'
examples_sites = pd.read_csv(f'{examples_filepath}examples_sites.csv', index_col=0, sep=';')
ex_site = examples_sites.loc[ == name]

longitude = ex_site['longitude'].values[0]
latitude = ex_site['latitude'].values[0]
altitude = ex_site['altitude'].values[0]

input_ts_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['input_ts_fn'].values[0]
sim_pars_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['sim_pars_fn'].values[0]
H2_demand_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['H2_demand_col'].values[0]

hpp = hpp_model(
        num_batteries = 3,
        work_dir = './',
        sim_pars_fn = sim_pars_fn,
        input_ts_fn = input_ts_fn,
        H2_demand_fn = H2_demand_fn

start = time.time()

x=[10, 360, 8, 50, 5,
    0, 50, 210, 1.5,
    40, 4, 10, 250, 0]

Fixed parameters on the site
longitude = 7.906111
latitude = 55.529722
altitude = 85.0
outs = hpp.evaluate(*x)

hpp.print_design(x, outs)

end = time.time()
print('exec. time [min]:', (end - start)/60 )

clearance [m]: 10.000
sp [W/m2]: 360.000
p_rated [MW]: 8.000
Nwt: 50.000
wind_MW_per_km2 [MW/km2]: 5.000
solar_MW [MW]: 0.000
surface_tilt [deg]: 50.000
surface_azimuth [deg]: 210.000
DC_AC_ratio: 1.500
b_P [MW]: 40.000
b_E_h [h]: 4.000
cost_of_battery_P_fluct_in_peak_price_ratio: 10.000
ptg_MW [MW]: 250.000
HSS_kg [kg]: 0.000

NPV_over_CAPEX: 0.352
NPV [MEuro]: 253.845
IRR: 0.110
LCOE [Euro/MWh]: 31.547
LCOH [Euro/kg]: 6.001
Revenue [MEuro]: 3346.862
CAPEX [MEuro]: 721.690
OPEX [MEuro]: 23.761
penalty lifetime [MEuro]: 0.000
AEP [GWh]: 502.208
GUF: 0.191
annual_H2 [tons]: 22470.358
annual_P_ptg [GWh]: 1503.362
grid [MW]: 300.000
wind [MW]: 400.000
solar [MW]: 0.000
PtG [MW]: 250.000
HSS [kg]: 0.000
Battery Energy [MWh]: 160.000
Battery Power [MW]: 40.000
Total curtailment [GWh]: 0.000
Awpp [km2]: 80.000
Apvp [km2]: 0.000
Rotor diam [m]: 168.209
Hub height [m]: 94.104
Number of batteries used in lifetime: 1.000
Break-even H2 price [Euro/kg]: 3.725
Break-even PPA price [Euro/MWh]: 0.000
Capacity factor wind [-]: 0.573

exec. time [min]: 0.5588633974393209