Open and run in Colab (interactive) Edit on Gitlab Open and run in Kaggle (interactive)

Example: Sizing a plant to meet constant electrical load


Install hydesign if needed. Import basic libraries. Import HPP model assembly class. Import the examples file path.

# Install hydesign if needed
import importlib
if not importlib.util.find_spec("hydesign"):
    !pip install git+
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from hydesign.assembly.hpp_assembly_constantoutput import hpp_model_constant_output as hpp_model
from hydesign.examples import examples_filepath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


First we evaluate a specific configuration. The minimum load constraint is implemented as a penalty, so not meeting it will result in severly penalized financial metrics as seen below:

examples_sites = pd.read_csv(f'{examples_filepath}examples_sites.csv', index_col=0, sep=';')
name = 'France_good_wind'
ex_site = examples_sites.loc[ == name]
longitude = ex_site['longitude'].values[0]
latitude = ex_site['latitude'].values[0]
altitude = ex_site['altitude'].values[0]
input_ts_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['input_ts_fn'].values[0]
sim_pars_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['sim_pars_fn'].values[0].replace('.yml','_benchmark.yml')
H2_demand_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['H2_demand_col'].values[0]

PPA = 40 # Euro/MWh
hpp = hpp_model(
    num_batteries = 10,
    work_dir = './',
    sim_pars_fn = sim_pars_fn,
    input_ts_fn = input_ts_fn,
    ppa_price = PPA,
    load_min = 3, #MW
    load_min_penalty = 100, #MEuro
    battery_deg = True,
x=[35.0, 300.0, 10.0, 3, 7.0, 30, 25.0, 180.0, 1.0, 30, 7, 10.0]

Fixed parameters on the site
longitude = -0.864258
latitude = 48.744116
altitude = 302.0
outs = hpp.evaluate(*x)
hpp.print_design(x, outs)

clearance [m]: 35.000
sp [W/m2]: 300.000
p_rated [MW]: 10.000
Nwt: 3.000
wind_MW_per_km2 [MW/km2]: 7.000
solar_MW [MW]: 30.000
surface_tilt [deg]: 25.000
surface_azimuth [deg]: 180.000
DC_AC_ratio: 1.000
b_P [MW]: 30.000
b_E_h [h]: 7.000
cost_of_battery_P_fluct_in_peak_price_ratio: 10.000

NPV_over_CAPEX: 0.024
NPV [MEuro]: 1.257
IRR: 0.060
LCOE [Euro/MWh]: 60.573
CAPEX [MEuro]: 51.866
OPEX [MEuro]: 0.825
Wind CAPEX [MEuro]: 30.446
Wind OPEX [MEuro]: 0.690
PV CAPEX [MEuro]: 6.900
PV OPEX [MEuro]: 0.135
Batt CAPEX [MEuro]: 11.536
Batt OPEX [MEuro]: 0.000
Shared CAPEX [MEuro]: 2.985
Shared Opex [MEuro]: 0.000
penalty lifetime [MEuro]: 0.528
AEP [GWh]: 79.189
GUF: 0.904
grid [MW]: 10.000
wind [MW]: 30.000
solar [MW]: 30.000
Battery Energy [MWh]: 210.000
Battery Power [MW]: 30.000
Total curtailment [GWh]: 1624.454
Awpp [km2]: 4.286
Apvp [km2]: 0.368
Plant area [km2]: 4.286
Rotor diam [m]: 206.013
Hub height [m]: 138.006
Number of batteries used in lifetime: 2.000
Break-even PPA price [Euro/MWh]: 39.204
Capacity factor wind [-]: 0.439

G_MW = hpp.prob['G_MW']
b_P = hpp.prob['b_P']
b_E = hpp.prob['b_E']
load_min = hpp.prob['load_min']

b_E_SOC_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.b_E_SOC_t')
b_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.b_t')
price_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.price_t')

wind_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.wind_t')
solar_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.solar_t')
hpp_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.hpp_t')
hpp_curt_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.hpp_curt_t')
grid_MW = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.G_MW')

n_start = int(24*365*7.2)
n_days_plot = 100

# plt.plot(price_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='price')
plt.plot(b_E_SOC_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot]/b_E, label='SoC [MWh]')
plt.plot(b_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot]/b_P, label='Battery P [MW]')
plt.xlabel('time [hours]')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15),
           ncol=3, fancybox=0, shadow=0)

# plt.plot(wind_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot], label='wind')
# plt.plot(solar_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot], label='PV')
plt.plot(hpp_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='HPP')
# plt.plot(hpp_curt_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='HPP curtailed')

plt.axhline(load_min, label='load_min MW', color='r', alpha = 0.2)
plt.axhline(grid_MW, label='Grid MW', color='k', alpha = 0.2)
plt.xlabel('time [hours]')
plt.ylabel('Power [MW]')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15),
           ncol=5, fancybox=0, shadow=0)

N_life = hpp.sim_pars['N_life']
life_h = N_life*365*24
age = np.arange(life_h)/(24*365)

SoH = np.copy(hpp.prob.get_val('battery_degradation.SoH'))
plt.plot( age, SoH, label=r'$C_{bfl}=0$')
plt.plot( age, 0.7*np.ones_like(age), label=r'$min(1-L) = 0.7$', color='r',alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('age [years]')
plt.ylabel(r'Battery State of Health, $1-L(t)$ [-]')
plt.legend(title='Cost of Battery fluctuations',
            loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.27),
            ncol=3, fancybox=0, shadow=0)

b_E_SOC_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.b_E_SOC_t_with_deg')
b_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.b_t_with_deg')
price_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.price_t')

hpp_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.hpp_t_with_deg')
hpp_curt_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.hpp_curt_t_with_deg')
grid_MW = hpp.prob.get_val('ems.G_MW')

n_start = int(24*365*7.2)
n_days_plot = 100

# plt.plot(price_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='price')
plt.plot(b_E_SOC_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot]/b_E, label='SoC [MWh]')
plt.plot(b_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot]/b_P, label='Battery P [MW]')
plt.xlabel('time [hours]')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15),
           ncol=3, fancybox=0, shadow=0)

# plt.plot(wind_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot], label='wind')
# plt.plot(solar_t[n_start:n_start+24*n_days_plot], label='PV')
plt.plot(hpp_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='HPP')
# plt.plot(hpp_curt_t[:24*n_days_plot], label='HPP curtailed')

plt.axhline(load_min, label='load_min MW', color='r', alpha = 0.2)
plt.axhline(grid_MW, label='Grid MW', color='k', alpha = 0.2)
plt.xlabel('time [hours]')
plt.ylabel('Power [MW]')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15),
           ncol=5, fancybox=0, shadow=0)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x27180a49f50>
hpp_t = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.hpp_t_with_deg')
penalty_t_with_deg = hpp.prob.get_val('ems_long_term_operation.penalty_t_with_deg')

df_aux = pd.DataFrame(
    index = range(len(hpp_t)),
df_aux['day'] = np.floor(df_aux.index.values/24)
df_aux['hpp_t'] = hpp_t
df_aux['penalty_t'] = penalty_t_with_deg

aux_mins = np.repeat( df_aux.groupby('day').min().values, 24,axis=0)
df_aux['min_hpp_day'] = aux_mins[:,0]

load_min = hpp.load_min

# Get the number of days per year where the load is not meet
print ( len(df_aux.loc[df_aux['min_hpp_day']<load_min, 'day'].unique()) )

# get the year fraction when they start to occur
df_aux.loc[df_aux['min_hpp_day']<load_min, 'day'].unique()/365

array([ 0.15616438,  0.15890411,  0.16164384,  0.22465753,  1.15616438,
        1.15890411,  1.16164384,  1.22465753,  1.92054795,  2.09863014,
        2.15616438,  2.15890411,  2.16164384,  2.22465753,  2.92054795,
        3.09863014,  3.15616438,  3.15890411,  3.16164384,  3.22465753,
        3.92054795,  4.09863014,  4.15616438,  4.15890411,  4.16164384,
        4.22465753,  4.92054795,  5.09863014,  5.15616438,  5.15890411,
        5.16164384,  5.22465753,  5.92054795,  6.09863014,  6.15616438,
        6.15890411,  6.16164384,  6.22465753,  6.92054795,  7.09863014,
        7.15616438,  7.15890411,  7.16164384,  7.22465753,  7.92054795,
        8.09863014,  8.15616438,  8.15890411,  8.16164384,  8.22465753,
        8.28493151,  8.92054795,  9.09863014,  9.15616438,  9.15890411,
        9.16164384,  9.22465753,  9.28493151,  9.92054795, 10.09863014,
       10.15616438, 10.15890411, 10.16164384, 10.22465753, 10.28493151,
       10.34246575, 10.92054795, 11.09863014, 11.15616438, 11.15890411,
       11.16164384, 11.22465753, 11.28493151, 11.34246575, 11.88493151,
       11.92054795, 12.09863014, 12.15616438, 12.15890411, 12.16164384,
       12.22465753, 12.28493151, 12.34246575, 12.7260274 , 12.88493151,
       12.92054795, 13.09863014, 13.15616438, 13.15890411, 13.16164384,
       13.22465753, 13.28493151, 13.34246575, 13.7260274 , 13.88493151,
       13.92054795, 14.09863014, 14.15616438, 14.15890411, 14.16164384,
       14.22465753, 14.28493151, 14.34246575, 14.7260274 , 14.88493151,
       14.92054795, 15.09863014, 15.15616438, 15.15890411, 15.16164384,
       15.22465753, 15.26849315, 15.28493151, 15.34246575, 15.7260274 ,
       15.88493151, 15.92054795, 16.09863014, 16.15616438, 16.15890411,
       16.16164384, 16.22465753, 16.26849315, 16.28493151, 16.34246575,
       16.7260274 , 16.8109589 , 16.88493151, 16.92054795, 17.09863014,
       17.15616438, 17.15890411, 17.16164384, 17.22465753, 17.26849315,
       17.28493151, 17.34246575, 17.55890411, 17.71232877, 17.7260274 ,
       17.8109589 , 17.88493151, 17.92054795, 18.09863014, 18.15616438,
       18.15890411, 18.16164384, 18.22465753, 18.26849315, 18.28493151,
       18.34246575, 18.55890411, 18.71232877, 18.7260274 , 18.8109589 ,
       18.88493151, 18.92054795, 19.09863014, 19.15616438, 19.15890411,
       19.16164384, 19.22465753, 19.26849315, 19.28493151, 19.34246575,
       19.55890411, 19.71232877, 19.7260274 , 19.8109589 , 19.88493151,
       19.92054795, 20.09863014, 20.15616438, 20.15890411, 20.16164384,
       20.22465753, 20.26849315, 20.28493151, 20.34246575, 20.55890411,
       20.71232877, 20.7260274 , 20.8109589 , 20.88493151, 20.92054795,
       21.09863014, 21.15616438, 21.15890411, 21.16164384, 21.22465753,
       21.26849315, 21.28493151, 21.34246575, 21.55890411, 21.60273973,
       21.71232877, 21.7260274 , 21.8109589 , 21.85753425, 21.88493151,
       21.92054795, 22.09863014, 22.13972603, 22.15616438, 22.15890411,
       22.16164384, 22.22465753, 22.26849315, 22.28493151, 23.15616438,
       23.15890411, 23.16164384, 23.22465753, 23.92054795, 24.09863014,
       24.15616438, 24.15890411, 24.16164384, 24.22465753, 24.92054795])


To optimize the size of the different technologies in order to meet the load we can do a sizing optimization:

from hydesign.Parallel_EGO import EfficientGlobalOptimizationDriver
import os
n_procs = int(os.cpu_count())
ex_site = examples_sites.loc[9]
longitude = ex_site['longitude']
latitude = ex_site['latitude']
altitude = ex_site['altitude']
input_ts_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['input_ts_fn']
sim_pars_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['sim_pars_fn'].replace('.yml','_benchmark.yml')
H2_demand_fn = examples_filepath+ex_site['H2_demand_col']
inputs = {
    'name': ex_site['name'],
    'longitude': longitude,
    'latitude': latitude,
    'altitude': altitude,
    'input_ts_fn': input_ts_fn,
    'sim_pars_fn': sim_pars_fn,
    'H2_demand_fn': H2_demand_fn,

    'opt_var': "NPV_over_CAPEX",
    'num_batteries': 10,
    'n_procs': n_procs - 1,
    'n_doe': 20,
    'n_clusters': 5,
    'n_seed': 0,
    'max_iter': 2,
    'final_design_fn': 'hydesign_design_0.csv',
    'npred': 3e4,
    'tol': 1e-6,
    'min_conv_iter': 3,
    'work_dir': './',
    'hpp_model': hpp_model,
    'PPA_price': 40,
    'load_min': 3, # MW
    'variables': {
    'clearance [m]':
        #  'limits':[10, 60],
        #  'types':'int'
        #  },
           'value': 35
    'sp [W/m2]':
        # 'limits':[200, 359],
        # 'types':'int'
        # },
           'value': 300
    'p_rated [MW]':
          'limits':[1, 10],
        # {'var_type':'fixed',
        #  'value': 6
         # },
          'limits':[1, 400],
        # {'var_type':'fixed',
        #   'value': 200
        #   },
    'wind_MW_per_km2 [MW/km2]':
        #  'limits':[5, 9],
        #  'types':'float'
        #  },
           'value': 7
    'solar_MW [MW]':
           'limits':[1, 400],
        #  'value': 20
        #  },
    'surface_tilt [deg]':
        # {'var_type':'design',
        #   'limits':[0, 50],
        #   'types':'float'
        #   },
          'value': 25
    'surface_azimuth [deg]':
        # {'var_type':'design',
        #   'limits':[150, 210],
        #   'types':'float'
        #   },
          'value': 180
        # {'var_type':'design',
        #   'limits':[1, 2.0],
        #   'types':'float'
        #   },
    'b_P [MW]':
           'limits':[0, 100],
        #  'value': 50
        #  },
    'b_E_h [h]':
           'limits':[1, 10],
        #  'value': 6
        #  },
          'limits':[0, 20],
#         {'var_type':'fixed',
#           'value': 10},

EGOD = EfficientGlobalOptimizationDriver(**inputs)
result = EGOD.result

Sizing a HPP plant at Denmark_good_wind:

Fixed parameters on the site
longitude = 8.594398
latitude = 56.227322
altitude = 85.0

Initial 20 simulations took 1.47 minutes
  Current solution -NPV_over_CAPEX = 3.395E-01
  Current No. model evals: 20

Update sm and extract candidate points took 0.22 minutes
Check-optimal candidates: new 17 simulations took 1.62 minutes
  Current solution -NPV_over_CAPEX = -2.099E-02
  Current No. model evals: 36
  rel_yopt_change = -1.72E+01
Iteration 1 took 1.86 minutes

Update sm and extract candidate points took 0.23 minutes
Check-optimal candidates: new 17 simulations took 1.63 minutes
  Current solution -NPV_over_CAPEX = -1.698E-01
  Current No. model evals: 52
  rel_yopt_change = -8.76E-01
Iteration 2 took 1.88 minutes

clearance [m]: 35.000
sp [W/m2]: 300.000
p_rated [MW]: 1.000
Nwt: 14.000
wind_MW_per_km2 [MW/km2]: 7.000
solar_MW [MW]: 53.000
surface_tilt [deg]: 25.000
surface_azimuth [deg]: 180.000
DC_AC_ratio: 1.600
b_P [MW]: 51.000
b_E_h [h]: 5.000
cost_of_battery_P_fluct_in_peak_price_ratio: 6.922

NPV_over_CAPEX: 0.170
NPV [MEuro]: 8.172
IRR: 0.072
LCOE [Euro/MWh]: 55.735
CAPEX [MEuro]: 48.123
OPEX [MEuro]: 0.566
Wind CAPEX [MEuro]: 13.517
Wind OPEX [MEuro]: 0.184
PV CAPEX [MEuro]: 18.868
PV OPEX [MEuro]: 0.382
Batt CAPEX [MEuro]: 13.439
Batt OPEX [MEuro]: 0.000
Shared CAPEX [MEuro]: 2.299
Shared Opex [MEuro]: 0.000
penalty lifetime [MEuro]: 0.180
AEP [GWh]: 76.818
GUF: 0.877
grid [MW]: 10.000
wind [MW]: 14.000
solar [MW]: 53.000
Battery Energy [MWh]: 255.000
Battery Power [MW]: 51.000
Total curtailment [GWh]: 727.951
Awpp [km2]: 2.000
Apvp [km2]: 0.650
Plant area [km2]: 2.000
Rotor diam [m]: 65.147
Hub height [m]: 67.574
Number of batteries used in lifetime: 1.000
Break-even PPA price [Euro/MWh]: 34.922
Capacity factor wind [-]: 0.234

Optimization with 2 iterations and 52 model evaluations took 5.47 minutes

Export the DOE

n_doe = inputs['n_doe']
n_seed = inputs['n_seed']
    columns = EGOD.kwargs['design_vars'],
    data = EGOD.xdoe).to_csv(f'DOE_n_doe_{n_doe}_seed_{n_seed}.csv')