Updates log
hydesign v1.4.1 (September 12, 2024)
New features
All inputs can now be provided in the yml-input file, including e.g. latitude and longitude. All inputs can also be passed when instantiating the hpp-model - this will update the values if they are also present in the yml-file.
Both production and efficiency curves are supported for P2X. Use ‘efficiency_curve_type’ key word as either: [‘efficiency’, ‘production’] in your yml-file or hpp instantiation.
EMS use cases batch sizes optimized for the community license of CPLEX
Assembly base class introduced to reduce the amount of duplicated code
Ramp limits removed from the bi-directional use case
Bug fix
Explicitly selects netcdf engine for loading data sets to avoid recently occuring error on Colab.
hydesign v1.4.0 (August 31, 2024)
New features
New use case supported: Evaluation of HPP incl. reliability of components
New use case supported: Sizing under uncertainty
Publications section added to docs
Inputs to sizing cleaned up
hydesign v1.3.4 (April 08, 2024)
New features
New use case supported: Sizing with hybridization of single technology plants
hydesign v1.3.3 (April 06, 2024)
New features
New use case supported: Sizing with balancing market
hydesign v1.3.2 (December 22, 2023)
New features
New use case supported: Sizing for meeting minimum required green hydrogen production including bidirectional flow to/from the grid. Including a notebook example in the documentation. ## Improvements
Re-organized the code for more transparency
hydesign v1.3.1 (December 14, 2023)
New features
New use case supported: Sizing for meeting minimum required electrical load. Including a notebook example in the documentation. ## Improvements
Added inflation, depreciation and capex phasing in the financial calculations. The user now has the option to specify time varying inflation and depreciation of the assets. It is also possible to reflect if/how CAPEX is spent in the period before the plant is operational
Corrected the way taxes was accounted for
hydesign v1.3.0 (November 16, 2023)
Fixed problem with battery degradation. Tref must be in Kelvin (@ruzhu, check if you have this problem). And added an if statement to ensure that the stress factor for temperature (S_T) is 1 for values lower than T_ref as suggested in .
Fixed problem in the EMS-long-term: The function
now uses continoious battery degradation and follows closer the planned prescribed operation (EMS-optimization results). Battery degradation component now representes the battery as a continious time-series instead of in piecewise constant health levels. An update in related components was required to remove the variableii_time
.The dependency of the battery degradation on ambient temperature has been split into two submodules:
A permanent degradation factor (\(S_T\)) than increases for locations with mean temperature above T_ref = 25+273.15 [K].
A temporary drop in storage capacity when the instantaneous temperature drops bellow zero Celsium.
New wind degradation model: This method ensures a prescribed degradation on the capacity factor over the age of the wind farm by mixing two mechanisms of degradation:
A shift in the power curve towards higher wind speeds represents blade degradation and increasing friction losses.
A loss factor applied to the power time series represent increase in availability losses.
New specification of wind degradation curve in hpp_pars.yml
. They can be non-linear.
wind_deg_yr: [0, 25]
wind_deg: [0, 0.125] #25yr * 0.5%/yr
share_WT_deg_types: 0.5
New specification of PV degradation curve in
. They can be non-linear.
pv_deg_yr: [0, 25]
pv_deg: [0, 0.125] #25yr * 0.5%/yr
Modification of the Net income definition in the finance model. The discount factor should not be used to reduce the income.
Net_income = (EBIT*(1-tax_rate))
Added hyperparameter description in documentation of
hydesign v1.2.0 (August 18, 2023)
Updated to SMT 2.0
Enabled running notebooks in Kaggle
Unified simple and advanced model setups
Improved EGO algorithm
Fixed inconsistencies when using zero number of batteries
hydesign v1.1.0 (May 5, 2023)
New Features and API changes
New power to X functionality
Improved Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm for sizing
More flexible input to sizing optimization
Electrolyzer size added as a design variable in the sizing optimization
Exercise notebooks in the documentation
New models and functions
EGO algorithm
A more efficient design space search
More information on how the search was done
Energy management system optimization with P2X
New EMS CPLEX function
, with additional inputs inluding price of Hydrogenprice_H2
, electrolyzer power capacityptg_MW
, compressor efficiency for hydrogen storagestorage_eff
, electrolyzer annual rate of degradationptg_deg
, high heat valuehhv
Flexible input and modification of sizing problem
Ability to give design variables of choice a fixed value in the sizing optimization
Specifying the design variables in the upper layer of the code
P2X sizing added to the sizing optimization
The following design variables were added: electrolyzer power capacity