Hybrid power plant financial model to estimate the overall profitability of the hybrid power plant. |
A function to estimate the yearly cashflow using the net revenue time series, and the yearly OPEX costs. |
This function returns the weighted average cost of capital after tax, using solar, wind, and battery |
This function calulates the equivalent net present value CAPEX given a early paying "phasing" approach. |
This function calulates the inflation index time series. |
Module Contents
- class hydesign.finance.finance.finance(N_time, depreciation_yr, depreciation, inflation_yr, inflation, ref_yr_inflation, phasing_yr, phasing_CAPEX, life_y=25)[source]
Hybrid power plant financial model to estimate the overall profitability of the hybrid power plant. It considers different weighted average costs of capital (WACC) for wind, PV and battery. The model calculates the yearly cashflow as a function of the average revenue over the year, the tax rate and WACC after tax ( = weighted sum of the wind, solar, battery, and electrical infrastracture WACC). Net present value (NPV) and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is then be calculated using the calculates WACC as the discount rate, as well as the internal rate of return (IRR).
- setup_partials()[source]
Declare partials.
This is meant to be overridden by component classes. All partials should be declared here since this is called after all size/shape information is known for all variables.
- compute(inputs, outputs)[source]
Calculating the financial metrics of the hybrid power plant project.
- Parameters:
price_t_ext (Electricity price time series [Eur])
hpp_t_with_deg (HPP power time series [MW])
penalty_t (penalty for not reaching expected energy productin at peak hours [Eur])
CAPEX_w (CAPEX of the wind power plant)
OPEX_w (OPEX of the wind power plant)
CAPEX_s (CAPEX of the solar power plant)
OPEX_s (OPEX of solar power plant)
CAPEX_b (CAPEX of the battery)
OPEX_b (OPEX of the battery)
CAPEX_sh (CAPEX of the shared electrical infrastracture)
OPEX_sh (OPEX of the shared electrical infrastracture)
wind_WACC (After tax WACC for onshore WT)
solar_WACC (After tax WACC for solar PV)
battery_WACC (After tax WACC for stationary storge li-ion batteries)
tax_rate (Corporate tax rate)
- Returns:
CAPEX (Total capital expenditure costs of the HPP)
OPEX (Operational and maintenance costs of the HPP)
NPV (Net present value)
IRR (Internal rate of return)
mean_AEP (Mean annual energy production)
LCOE (Levelized cost of energy)
penalty_lifetime (total penalty)
- hydesign.finance.finance.calculate_NPV_IRR(Net_revenue_t, investment_cost, maintenance_cost_per_year, tax_rate, discount_rate, depreciation_yr, depreciation, development_cost, inflation_index)[source]
A function to estimate the yearly cashflow using the net revenue time series, and the yearly OPEX costs. It then calculates the NPV and IRR using the yearly cashlow, the CAPEX, the WACC after tax, and the tax rate.
- Parameters:
Net_revenue_t (Net revenue time series)
investment_cost (Capital costs)
maintenance_cost_per_year (yearly operation and maintenance costs)
tax_rate (tax rate)
discount_rate (Discount rate)
depreciation_yr (Depreciation curve (x-axis) time in years)
depreciation (Depreciation curve at the given times)
development_cost (DEVEX)
inflation_index (Yearly Inflation index time-sereis)
- Returns:
NPV (Net present value)
IRR (Internal rate of return)
- hydesign.finance.finance.calculate_WACC(CAPEX_w, CAPEX_s, CAPEX_b, CAPEX_el, wind_WACC, solar_WACC, battery_WACC)[source]
This function returns the weighted average cost of capital after tax, using solar, wind, and battery WACC. First the shared costs WACC is computed by taking the mean of the WACCs across all technologies. Then the WACC after tax is calculated by taking the weighted sum by the corresponding CAPEX.
- Parameters:
CAPEX_w (CAPEX of the wind power plant)
CAPEX_s (CAPEX of the solar power plant)
CAPEX_b (CAPEX of the battery)
CAPEX_el (CAPEX of the shared electrical costs)
wind_WACC (After tax WACC for onshore WT)
solar_WACC (After tax WACC for solar PV)
battery_WACC (After tax WACC for stationary storge li-ion batteries)
- Returns:
- Return type:
WACC after tax
- hydesign.finance.finance.calculate_break_even_PPA_price(df, CAPEX, OPEX, tax_rate, discount_rate, depreciation_yr, depreciation, DEVEX, inflation_index)[source]
- hydesign.finance.finance.calculate_CAPEX_phasing(CAPEX, phasing_yr, phasing_CAPEX, discount_rate, inflation_index)[source]
This function calulates the equivalent net present value CAPEX given a early paying “phasing” approach.
- Parameters:
phasing_yr (Yearly early paying of CAPEX curve. x-axis, time in years.)
phasing_CAPEX (Yearly early paying of CAPEX curve. Shares will be normalized to sum the CAPEX.)
discount_rate (Discount rate for present value calculation)
inflation_index (Inflation index time series at the phasing_yr years. Accounts for inflation.)
- Returns:
- Return type:
Present value equivalent CAPEX
- hydesign.finance.finance.get_inflation_index(yr, inflation_yr, inflation, ref_yr_inflation=0)[source]
This function calulates the inflation index time series.
- Parameters:
yr (Years for eavaluation of the inflation index)
inflation_yr (Yearly inflation curve. x-axis, time in years. To be used in interpolation.)
inflation (Yearly inflation curve. To be used in interpolation.)
ref_yr_inflation (Referenece year, at which the inflation index takes value of 1.)
- Returns:
- Return type:
inflation index time series at yr