Created on Fri Feb 17 12:44:06 2023
@author: mikf & jumu
Implement Evaluator interface using multiprocessing Pool object (Python 3 only). |
Top-level container for the systems and drivers. |
Lower confidence bound optimization: minimize by using mu - 3*sigma |
Negative Expected improvement |
Lower confidence bound optimization: minimize by using mu - 3*sigma |
Mean GP process |
Function that trains the surrogate and uses it to predict on random input points |
Function that predicts the xepected improvement (EI) of the surrogate model based on random input points |
Function that optimizes the surrogate's expected improvement |
Function that optimizes the surrogate based on lower confidence bound predictions |
Function that groups the surrogate evaluations bellow a quantile level (quantile) and |
Module Contents
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.LCB(sm, point)[source]
Lower confidence bound optimization: minimize by using mu - 3*sigma
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.KStd(sm, point)[source]
Lower confidence bound optimization: minimize by using mu - 3*sigma
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.get_sm(xdoe, ydoe, theta_bounds=[1e-06, 20.0], n_comp=4)[source]
Function that trains the surrogate and uses it to predict on random input points
- Parameters:
xdoe (design of exeriments (DOE) in the inputs. [Ndoe, Ndims])
ydoe (model outputs at DOE. [Ndoe, 1])
theta_bounds (Bounds for the hyperparameter optimization.) – The theta parameter of the kernel function represnet an inverse squared length scale: the largest the number the faster the kernel decays to 0. Suggestion: theta_bounds = [1e-3, 1e2].
n_comp (Number of components of a PCA applied to the hyperparameters; note that there is a theta per dimension.) – Note that for problems with large number of dimensions (Ndims>10) might require a n_comp in [3,5]. Default value is n_comp = 1.
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.eval_sm(sm, mixint, scaler=None, seed=0, npred=1000.0, fmin=10000000000.0)[source]
Function that predicts the xepected improvement (EI) of the surrogate model based on random input points
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.opt_sm_EI(sm, mixint, x0, fmin=10000000000.0, n_seed=0)[source]
Function that optimizes the surrogate’s expected improvement
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.opt_sm(sm, mixint, x0, fmin=10000000000.0)[source]
Function that optimizes the surrogate based on lower confidence bound predictions
- hydesign.Parallel_EGO.get_candiate_points(x, y, quantile=0.25, n_clusters=32)[source]
Function that groups the surrogate evaluations bellow a quantile level (quantile) and clusters them in n clusters (n_clusters) and returns the best input location (x) per cluster for acutal model evaluation
- class hydesign.Parallel_EGO.ParallelEvaluator(n_procs=31)[source]
Implement Evaluator interface using multiprocessing Pool object (Python 3 only).
- class hydesign.Parallel_EGO.EfficientGlobalOptimizationDriver(**kwargs)[source]
Top-level container for the systems and drivers.
- Parameters:
**kwargs (dict of keyword arguments) – Keyword arguments that will be mapped into the Driver options.
- cite[source]
Listing of relevant citations that should be referenced when publishing work that uses this class.
- Type:
- supports[source]
Provides a consistent way for drivers to declare what features they support.
- Type:
- _dist_driver_vars
Dict of constraints that are distributed outputs. Key is a ‘user’ variable name, typically promoted name or an alias. Values are (local indices, local sizes).
- Type:
- _remote_dvs
Dict of design variables that are remote on at least one proc. Values are (owning rank, size).
- Type:
- _remote_cons
Dict of constraints that are remote on at least one proc. Values are (owning rank, size).
- Type:
- _remote_objs
Dict of objectives that are remote on at least one proc. Values are (owning rank, size).
- Type:
- _total_jac_format[source]
Specifies the format of the total jacobian. Allowed values are ‘flat_dict’, ‘dict’, and ‘array’.
- Type:
- _con_subjacs[source]
Dict of sparse subjacobians for use with certain optimizers, e.g. pyOptSparseDriver. Keyed by sources and aliases.
- Type:
- _total_jac_linear[source]
Cached linear total jacobian handling object.
- Type:
_TotalJacInfo or None