Source code for topfarm._topfarm

"""TOPFARM OpenMDAO Problem.

This module contains the OpenMDAO problem that can be used for
different types of optimization problems.


A new TopFarmProblem must be constructed for every optimization problem that
has different design variables. For example, if one problem optimizes a
wind-farm layout but another optimizes turbine types at fixed turbine
positions, these require OpenMDAO problems that are constructed differently.

To get around this, TOPFARM has a base optimization problem,
``TopFarmProblem`` that inherits from the ``Problem`` class in OpenMDAO.

To disable MPI for topfarm add this before importing topfarm
```from openmdao.utils import mpi
mpi.MPI = None```
import time
import numpy as np
import warnings
import copy
import inspect
from openmdao.api import Problem, IndepVarComp, Group, ParallelGroup, \
    ExplicitComponent, ListGenerator, DOEDriver, SimpleGADriver, OpenMDAOWarning
from openmdao.drivers.doe_generators import DOEGenerator
from openmdao.utils import mpi
from openmdao.core.constants import _SetupStatus
import topfarm
from topfarm.recorders import NestedTopFarmListRecorder, \
    TopFarmListRecorder, split_record_id
from topfarm.plotting import NoPlot
from topfarm.easy_drivers import EasyScipyOptimizeDriver, EasySimpleGADriver, EasyDriverBase, EasySGDDriver
from topfarm.utils import smart_start
from topfarm.constraint_components.spacing import SpacingComp, SpacingTypeComp
from topfarm.constraint_components.boundary import BoundaryBaseComp
# from topfarm.constraint_components.penalty_component import ConstraintViolationComponent, PenaltyComponent #, PostPenaltyComponent
from topfarm.cost_models.topfarm_components import ObjectiveComponent, DummyObjectiveComponent, ConstraintViolationComponent
from topfarm.cost_models.cost_model_wrappers import CostModelComponent
# from topfarm.constraint_components.post_constraint import PostConstraint
from topfarm.constraint_components import Constraint
from openmdao.drivers.pyoptsparse_driver import pyOptSparseDriver

class TopFarmBaseGroup(Group):
    def __init__(self, comps=[], output_key=None, output_unit=''):
        self.comps = []
        self.obj_comp = None
        for i, comp in enumerate(comps):
            if hasattr(comp, 'objective') and comp.objective:
                self.output_key = comp.output_key
                self.output_unit = comp.output_unit
                self.cost_factor = comp.cost_factor
                self.obj_comp = comp

class TopFarmGroup(TopFarmBaseGroup):
    def __init__(self, comps=[], output_key=None, output_unit=''):
        super().__init__(comps, output_key, output_unit)
        for i, comp in enumerate(comps):
            self.add_subsystem('comp_{}'.format(i), comp, promotes=['*'])

class TopFarmParallelGroup(TopFarmBaseGroup):
    def __init__(self, comps=[], output_key=None, output_unit=''):
        super().__init__(comps, output_key, output_unit)
        parallel = ParallelGroup()
        for i, comp in enumerate(self.comps):
            parallel.add_subsystem('comp_{}'.format(i), comp, promotes=['*'])
        self.add_subsystem('parallel', parallel, promotes=['*'])
        self.add_subsystem('objective', self.obj_comp, promotes=['*'])

[docs] class TopFarmProblem(Problem):
[docs] def __init__(self, design_vars, cost_comp=None, driver=EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(), constraints=[], plot_comp=NoPlot(), record_id=None, expected_cost=1, ext_vars={}, approx_totals=False, recorder=None, additional_recorders=None, n_wt=0, grid_layout_comp=None, penalty_comp=None, reports=None, **kwargs): """Initialize TopFarmProblem Parameters ---------- design_vars : dict or list of key-initial_value-tuples Design variables for the problem.\n Ex: {'x': [1,2,3], 'y':([3,2,1],0,1), 'z':([4,5,6],[4,5,4], [6,7,6])}\n Ex: [('x', [1,2,3]), ('y',([3,2,1],0,1)), ('z',([4,5,6],[4,5,4], [6,7,6]))]\n Ex: [('x', ([1,2,3],0,3,'m')), ('y',([3,2,1],'m')), ('z',([4,5,6],[4,5,4], [6,7,6]))]\n Ex: zip('xy', pos.T)\n The keys (x, y, z) are the names of the design variable.\n The values are either\n - the initial value or\n - on of the following tuples: (initial value, unit) (initial value, lower bound, upper bound) (initial value, lower bound, upper bound, unit) cost_comp : ExplicitComponent or TopFarmProblem or TopFarmGroup Component that provides the cost function. It has to be the style of an OpenMDAO v2 ExplicitComponent. Pure python cost functions can be wrapped using ``CostModelComponent`` class in ``topfarm.cost_models.cost_model_wrappers``.\n ExplicitComponent are wrapped into a TopFarmGroup.\n For nested problems, the cost comp_comp is typically a TopFarmProblem driver : openmdao Driver, optinal Driver used to solve the optimization driver. For an example, see the ``EasyScipyOptimizeDriver`` class in ``topfarm.easy_drivers``. constraints : list of Constraint-objects or tuples Constraint-objects are e.g. XYBoundaryConstraint, SpacingConstraint Tuples have the form (variable to constrain, {dict with options passed to the the OpenMDAO method add_constraint}) penalty_comp : ExplicitComponent, optional Component that converts constraints into penalty both for drivers that do and do not support constraints. Constraints are automatically converted to penalty for drivers that do not support constraints and the default magnitude of the penalty that is added to the objective is the sum of the constraint violations + 10**10. plot_comp : ExplicitComponent, optional OpenMDAO ExplicitComponent used to plot the state (during optimization). For no plotting, pass in the ``topfarm.plotting.NoPlot`` class. record_id : string "<record_id>:<case>", optional Identifier for the optimization. Allows a user to restart an optimization where it left off.\n record_id can be name (saves as recordings/<name>.pkl), abs or relative path Case can be:\n - "", "latest", "-1": Continue from latest\n - "best": Continue from best case (minimum cost)\n - "0": Start from scratch (initial position)\n - "4": Start from case number 4\n expected_cost : int, float or None, optional Used to scale the cost, default is 1. This has influence on some drivers, e.g. SLSQP where it affects the step size\n If None, the value is found by evaluating the cost function ext_vars : dict or list of key-initial_value tuple Used for nested problems to propagate variables from parent problem\n Ex. {'type': [1,2,3]}\n Ex. [('type', [1,2,3])]\n approx_totals : bool or dict If True, approximates the total derivative of the cost_comp group, skipping the partial ones. If it is a dictionary, it's elements are passed to the approx_totals function of an OpenMDAO Group. recorder : Main recorder additional_recorders: list(Recorder) or None A list of additional recorders to be added to the problem n_wt : int Number of wind turbines grid_layout_comp : ExplicitComponent or TopFarmGroup Components that uses at least one of topfarm.grid_x_key or topfarm.grid_y_key as input, and provides topfarm.x_key and topfarm.y_key as output. Default values for topfarm.grid_x_key or topfarm.grid_y_key are 'sx' and 'sy' respectively. These can be overwritten in the same way as e.g. topfarm.x_key. The component is inserted before constraint components will enables the use of components relying on x and y situated before the main cost component in the workflow. Examples -------- See main() in the bottom of this file """ if mpi.MPI: comm = None else: from openmdao.utils.mpi import FakeComm comm = FakeComm() self.main_recorder = recorder self._additional_recorders = additional_recorders if not isinstance(constraints, list): constraints = [constraints] if 'post_constraints' in kwargs: warnings.warn("""post_constraints keyword is deprecated. Both Constraint objects and constraint tuples of type (keyword, {constraint options}) can be included in the constriants list.""", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) post_constraints = kwargs['post_constraints'] else: post_constraints = [constraint for constraint in constraints if isinstance(constraint, dict) or isinstance(constraint, tuple)] constraints = [constraint for constraint in constraints if isinstance(constraint, Constraint)] if 'reports' not in inspect.getfullargspec(Problem.__init__).args: Problem.__init__(self, comm=comm) else: Problem.__init__(self, comm=comm, reports=reports) if cost_comp: if isinstance(cost_comp, TopFarmProblem): cost_comp = cost_comp.as_component() elif isinstance(cost_comp, ExplicitComponent) and (len(post_constraints) > 0): cost_comp = TopFarmGroup([cost_comp]) cost_comp.parent = self self.cost_comp = cost_comp if isinstance(driver, list): driver = DOEDriver(ListGenerator(driver)) elif isinstance(driver, DOEGenerator): driver = DOEDriver(generator=driver) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=OpenMDAOWarning) self.driver = driver self.driver.recording_options['record_desvars'] = True self.driver.recording_options['includes'] = ['*'] self.driver.recording_options['record_inputs'] = True self.plot_comp = plot_comp self.record_id = record_id self.load_recorder() if not isinstance(approx_totals, dict) and approx_totals: approx_totals = {'method': 'fd'} if not isinstance(design_vars, dict): design_vars = dict(design_vars) self.design_vars = design_vars self.indeps = self.model.add_subsystem('indeps', IndepVarComp(), promotes=['*']) for k, v in design_vars.items(): if isinstance(v, tuple): if (not isinstance(v[-1], str)) or (not v[-1]): design_vars[k] += (None, ) else: design_vars[k] = (design_vars[k], None) v = design_vars[k] self.indeps.add_output(k, v[0], units=v[-1]) self.n_wt = n_wt if not n_wt: for k in [topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key, topfarm.type_key]: if k in design_vars: self.n_wt = len(design_vars[k][0]) break else: self.n_wt = n_wt if self.n_wt == 0: warnings.warn("Number of turbines is inferred as zero. Please specify number of turbines as 'n_wt' if applicable") # add external signals before constraints for k, v in ext_vars.items(): self.indeps.add_output(k, v) self.ext_vars = ext_vars if grid_layout_comp: self.model.add_subsystem('grid_layout_comp', grid_layout_comp, promotes=['*']) if cost_comp and hasattr(cost_comp, 'post_constraint'): post_constraints = post_constraints + [cost_comp.post_constraint] constraints_as_penalty = ((((not self.driver.supports['inequality_constraints'] or isinstance(self.driver, SimpleGADriver) or isinstance(self.driver, EasySimpleGADriver)) and len(constraints) + len(post_constraints) > 0) or (penalty_comp is not None)) and not isinstance(self.driver, EasySGDDriver)) if len(constraints) > 0: self.model.add_subsystem('constraint_group', ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*']) for constr in constraints: if constraints_as_penalty: constr.setup_as_penalty(self) else: constr.setup_as_constraint(self) constraint_violation_comp = ConstraintViolationComponent(constraints) self.model.add_subsystem('constraint_violation_comp', constraint_violation_comp, promotes=['*']) else: constraint_violation_comp = None if isinstance(self.cost_comp, (CostModelComponent, TopFarmGroup)): self.indeps.add_output('constraint_violation', val=0.0) self.model.constraint_components = [constr.constraintComponent for constr in constraints] for k, v in design_vars.items(): if isinstance(driver, EasyDriverBase): kwargs = driver.get_desvar_kwargs(self.model, k, v) else: kwargs = EasyDriverBase.get_desvar_kwargs(None, self.model, k, v) self.model.add_design_var(k, **kwargs) if cost_comp: self.model.add_subsystem('cost_comp', cost_comp, promotes=['*']) if len(post_constraints) > 0: if not constraints_as_penalty: for constr in post_constraints: if isinstance(constr, Constraint): if 'constraints_group2' not in self.model._subsystems_allprocs: # and 'post_constraints' not in self.model._static_subsystems_allprocs: self.model.add_subsystem('constraints_group2', ParallelGroup(), promotes=['*']) constr.setup_as_constraint(self, group='constraints_group2') elif isinstance(constr[-1], dict): self.model.add_constraint(str(constr[0]), **constr[-1]) else: warnings.warn("""constraint tuples should be of type (keyword, {constraint options}).""", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if constraints_as_penalty: if penalty_comp is None: if constraint_violation_comp: constraints_for_aggregation = post_constraints + [constraint_violation_comp] else: constraints_for_aggregation = post_constraints objective_comp = ObjectiveComponent(constraints_for_aggregation) else: objective_comp = penalty_comp else: objective_comp = DummyObjectiveComponent() self.model.add_subsystem('objective_comp', objective_comp, promotes=['*']) if cost_comp: if expected_cost is None: expected_cost = self.evaluate()[0] if self._metadata: self._metadata['setup_status'] = 0 if isinstance(driver, EasyDriverBase) and driver.supports_expected_cost is False: expected_cost = 1 if isinstance(cost_comp, Group) and approx_totals: cost_comp.approx_totals(**approx_totals) # Use the assembled Jacobian. if 'assembled_jac_type' in self.model.cost_comp.options: self.model.cost_comp.options['assembled_jac_type'] = 'dense' self.model.cost_comp.linear_solver.assemble_jac = True else: self.indeps.add_output('cost') self.model.add_objective('final_cost', scaler=1 / abs(expected_cost)) if plot_comp and not isinstance(plot_comp, NoPlot): self.model.add_subsystem('plot_comp', plot_comp, promotes=['*']) plot_comp.problem = self plot_comp.n_wt = self.n_wt self.setup()
# This is needed to avoid an error from interaction between creation of coloring reports and parametrizised pytests in openmdao 3.23-3.26 def _update_reports(self, driver): try: from openmdao.utils.reports_system import activate_reports, clear_reports if self._driver is not None: clear_reports(self._driver) driver._set_problem(self) activate_reports(self._reports, driver) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass @property def cost(self): return self['final_cost'][0] def __getitem__(self, name): return Problem.__getitem__(self, name).copy() @property def state(self): """Return current state""" self.setup() state = {k: self[k] for k in self.design_vars} state.update({k: self[k] for k in self.ext_vars}) if hasattr(self.cost_comp, 'state'): state.update(self.cost_comp.state) if hasattr(self.cost_comp, 'additional_output'): state.update({k: self[k] for k, _ in self.cost_comp.additional_output}) return state def state_array(self, keys): self.setup() return np.array([self[k] for k in keys]).T def update_state(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): try: c = self[k] # fail if k not exists v = np.array(v) if hasattr(c, 'shape') and c.shape != v.shape: v = v.reshape(c.shape) self[k] = v except KeyError: pass def load_recorder(self): if self.main_recorder: self.recorder = self.main_recorder elif hasattr(self.cost_comp, 'problem'): self.recorder = NestedTopFarmListRecorder(self.cost_comp, self.record_id) else: self.recorder = TopFarmListRecorder(self.record_id) def get_vars_from_recorder(self): rec = self.recorder x = np.array(rec[topfarm.x_key]) y = np.array(rec[topfarm.y_key]) c = np.array(rec[topfarm.cost_key]) x0 = x[0] y0 = y[0] cost0 = c[0] return {'x0': x0, 'y0': y0, 'cost0': cost0, topfarm.x_key: x, topfarm.y_key: y, 'c': c} def setup(self): if not self._metadata: Problem.setup(self, check=True) if self._metadata['setup_status'] == _SetupStatus.PRE_SETUP: Problem.setup(self, check=True) if self._metadata['setup_status'] < _SetupStatus.POST_FINAL_SETUP: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error') try: if len(self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders) == 0: tmp_recorder = TopFarmListRecorder() self.driver.add_recorder(tmp_recorder) Problem.final_setup(self) else: Problem.final_setup(self) except Warning as w: if str(w).startswith('Inefficient choice of derivative mode'): Problem.setup(self, check=True, mode='fwd') else: raise w finally: try: self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders.remove(tmp_recorder) except Exception: pass
[docs] def evaluate(self, state={}, disp=False): """Evaluate the cost model Parameters ---------- state : dict, optional Initial state\n Ex: {'x': [1,2,3], 'y':[3,2,1]}\n The current state is used for unspecified variables disp : bool, optional if True, the time used for the optimization is printed Returns ------- Current cost : float Current state : dict """ tmp_recorder = TopFarmListRecorder() self.driver.add_recorder(tmp_recorder) self.setup() self.update_state(state) t = time.time() self.run_model() if disp: print("Evaluated in\t%.3fs" % (time.time() - t)) self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders.remove(tmp_recorder) return self.cost, copy.deepcopy(self.state)
def evaluate_gradients(self, disp=False): """Evaluate the gradients.""" self.setup() t = time.time() rec = TopFarmListRecorder() self.driver.add_recorder(rec) res = self.compute_totals(['final_cost'], wrt=[topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key], return_format='dict') self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders.remove(rec) if disp: print("Gradients evaluated in\t%.3fs" % (time.time() - t)) return res
[docs] def optimize(self, state={}, disp=False, recorder_as_list=False): """Run the optimization problem Parameters ---------- state : dict, optional Initial state\n Ex: {'x': [1,2,3], 'y':[3,2,1]}\n The current state is used to unspecified variables disp : bool, optional if True, the time used for the optimization is printed recorder_as_list : bool, optional if True, returns multiprocessing friendly recorder as list of class and attributes that can be pickled. Use TopFarmListRecorder().list2recorder to restore TopFarmListRecorder object Returns ------- Optimized cost : float state : dict recorder : TopFarmListRecorder or NestedTopFarmListRecorder or [TopFarmListRecorder.__class__, attributes] """ self.load_recorder() self.update_state(state) if self.recorder.num_cases > 0: try: self.update_state({k: self.recorder[k][-1] for k in self.state.keys() if k not in state}) except (ValueError, KeyError): # Restart optimize with n self.record_id = split_record_id(self.record_id)[0] + ":0" return self.optimize(state, disp) self.driver.add_recorder(self.recorder) if self._additional_recorders: for r in self._additional_recorders: self.driver.add_recorder(r) # self.recording_options['includes'] = ['*'] # self.driver.recording_options['record_desvars'] = True # self.driver.recording_options['includes'] = ['*'] # self.driver.recording_options['record_inputs'] = True self.setup() t = time.time() self.run_driver() self.cleanup() if disp: print("Optimized in\t%.3fs" % (time.time() - t)) if self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders != []: # in openmdao<2.4 cleanup does not delete recorders self.driver._rec_mgr._recorders.remove(self.recorder) if isinstance(self.driver, DOEDriver) or isinstance(self.driver, SimpleGADriver): costs = self.recorder['final_cost'] best_case_index = int(np.argmin(costs)) best_state = {k: self.recorder[k][best_case_index] for k in self.design_vars} self.evaluate(best_state) if recorder_as_list: return self.cost, copy.deepcopy(self.state), self.recorder.recorder2list() else: return self.cost, copy.deepcopy(self.state), self.recorder
def check_gradients(self, check_all=False, tol=1e-3): """Check gradient computations""" self.setup() if check_all: comp_name_lst = [comp.pathname for comp in self.model.system_iter() if hasattr(comp, '_has_compute_partials') and comp._has_compute_partials] else: comp_name_lst = [self.cost_comp.pathname] print("checking %s" % ", ".join(comp_name_lst)) res = self.check_partials(includes=comp_name_lst, compact_print=True) for comp in comp_name_lst: var_pair = [(x, dx) for x, dx in res[comp].keys() if (x not in ['cost_comp_eval'] and # not x.startswith('penalty') and # not dx.startswith('penalty'))] not (x.startswith('constraint_violation') and comp != 'constraint_violation_comp') ) ] worst = var_pair[np.argmax(np.nan_to_num([res[comp][k]['rel error'].forward for k in var_pair]))] err = res[comp][worst]['rel error'].forward if err > tol: raise Warning("Mismatch between finite difference derivative of '%s' wrt. '%s' and derivative computed in '%s' is: %f" % (worst[0], worst[1], comp, err)) def as_component(self): return ProblemComponent(self) def get_DOE_list(self): self.setup() assert isinstance( self.driver, DOEDriver), 'get_DOE_list only applies to DOEDrivers, and the current driver is: %s' % type(self.driver) case_gen = self.driver.options['generator'] return [c for c in case_gen(self.model.get_design_vars(recurse=True), self.model)] def get_DOE_array(self): return np.array([[v for _, v in c] for c in self.get_DOE_list()]) @property def turbine_positions(self): return np.array([self[k] for k in [topfarm.x_key, topfarm.y_key]]).T def smart_start(self, XX, YY, ZZ=None, min_space=None, radius=None, random_pct=0, plot=False, seed=None, types=None): assert XX.shape == YY.shape ZZ_is_func = hasattr(ZZ, '__call__') spacing_comp_lst = [c for c in self.model.constraint_components if isinstance(c, SpacingComp)] if min_space is not None: min_spacing = min_space else: if len(spacing_comp_lst) == 1: min_spacing = spacing_comp_lst[0].min_spacing else: min_spacing = 0 if not types: min_spacing = np.max(min_spacing) X, Y = XX.flatten(), YY.flatten() if not ZZ_is_func: if ZZ is None: ZZ = np.full(XX.shape, 0) Z = ZZ.flatten() else: Z = ZZ for comp in self.model.constraint_components: if isinstance(comp, BoundaryBaseComp): dist = comp.distances(X, Y) if len(dist.shape) == 2: dist = dist.min(1) mask = dist >= 0 X, Y = X[mask], Y[mask] if not ZZ_is_func: Z = Z[mask] res = smart_start(X, Y, Z, self.n_wt, min_spacing, radius, random_pct, plot, seed=seed, types=types) self.update_state({topfarm.x_key: res[0], topfarm.y_key: res[1]}) if types: self.set_val(topfarm.type_key, res[2]) return res
class ProblemComponent(ExplicitComponent): """class used to wrap a TopFarmProblem as a cost_component""" def __init__(self, problem, additional_inputs=[]): ExplicitComponent.__init__(self) self.problem = problem self.additional_inputs = additional_inputs def setup(self): missing_in_problem_exceptions = ['constraint_violation'] parent_temp = {} parent_temp.update(self.parent.indeps._static_var_rel2meta) parent_temp.update(self.parent.indeps._var_rel2meta) problem_temp = {} problem_temp.update(self.problem.indeps._static_var_rel2meta) problem_temp.update(self.problem.indeps._var_rel2meta) missing_in_problem = (set(parent_temp) - set(problem_temp)) indepsargs = ['val', 'units'] self.missing_attrs = [] for name, kwargs in parent_temp.items(): kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in indepsargs} self.add_input(name, **kwargs) self.missing_attrs.append(name) if name in missing_in_problem: if name not in missing_in_problem_exceptions: self.problem.indeps.add_output(name, **kwargs) self.problem._setup_status = 1 # 1 -- The `setup` method has been called, but vectors not initialized. self.problem.setup() self.add_output('cost', val=0.0) if hasattr(self.problem.cost_comp, "output_key"): self.add_output(self.problem.cost_comp.output_key, val=0.0) self.comp_lst = [comp for comp in self.problem.model.system_iter()] @property def state(self): return self.problem.state def cost_function(self, **kwargs): return self.problem.optimize(kwargs)[0] def set_input_as_option(self, inputs): for comp in self.comp_lst: for attr in self.missing_attrs: if attr in comp.options: comp.options[attr] = inputs[attr] def compute(self, inputs, outputs): self.set_input_as_option(inputs) outputs['cost'] = self.cost_function(**inputs) if hasattr(self.problem.cost_comp, "output_key"): output_key = self.problem.cost_comp.output_key outputs[output_key] = self.problem[output_key] def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': from topfarm.cost_models.dummy import DummyCost, DummyCostPlotComp from topfarm.constraint_components.spacing import SpacingConstraint from topfarm.constraint_components.boundary import XYBoundaryConstraint initial = np.array([[6, 0], [6, -8], [1, 1]]) # initial turbine layouts optimal = np.array([[2.5, -3], [6, -7], [4.5, -3]]) # optimal turbine layouts boundary = np.array([(0, 0), (6, 0), (6, -10), (0, -10)]) # turbine boundaries desired = np.array([[3, -3], [7, -7], [4, -3]]) # desired turbine layouts drivers = [EasyScipyOptimizeDriver()] plot_comp = DummyCostPlotComp(optimal) tf = TopFarmProblem( design_vars=dict(zip('xy', initial.T)), cost_comp=DummyCost(optimal_state=desired, inputs=['x', 'y']), constraints=[XYBoundaryConstraint(boundary), SpacingConstraint(2) ], driver=drivers[0], plot_comp=plot_comp ) cost, _, recorder = tf.optimize() main()